Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quitting Bad Habits

I always have these random moments during the year, where I feel the need to make some self-improvements. In that spirit, I decided last weekend to quit two very bad habits.

1. Smoking (oh, I know. Here we go again. Let's see how long this lasts.)
2. Talking to my ex.

So far, I've done very well with #1. Up until Sunday, my daily routine would be to crawl out of bed, stumble to the fire escape, and light up. Then I'd get ready for work. On the way to work, I'd have about 4-5 smokes in the car. Then there were all the breaks during work. Another 4-5 on the way home. And maybe one more before I go to bed. Ugh, it was actually pretty disgusting, now that I think about it. Anyhow, since Sunday night, I have not had a single cigarette.

With regards to #2, I've also done very well...unless, well, unless email counts as talking. I had to email him twice about some business-related matters. Well, I don't know if I had to, but I did anyway. Ok, I'll stop emailing him too. Fine. Jeez, stop being so judgmental already!

Anyhow, I need something to quit starting next week. I have a few ideas, but I can't decide.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking to an ex is like Mom saying,"Oh! This tastes TERRIBLE! Here...try it!"

Why would you do it? =)

March 24, 2008 at 5:36 PM  

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