Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm a dirty bitch

Recently I had to figure out what I would do about cleaning out my old apartment to get back as much of my security deposit as possible. There was a bit of an internal battle I had to get past.

Argument 1: I am an attorney at a big firm making the big bucks and working for an ultra-demanding high-powered partner. My time is worth too much to be wasting on this. Whatever dollar figure they deduct from my security deposit for cleaning, I could probably make back in the time I spend taking a dump in the office (Stay out of stall 4, ladies. It's mine.). Cleaning? That's NOT how I roll.

Argument 2: Me Chinese! Must get all my moneys!!!

Being legally trained, I was able to quickly identify the more logical and compelling argument.

So, last night I had to go back to the ghetto ass apartment to clean it so I could get back as much of my measly security deposit as possible. I figured I'd drive up after work, it would take a couple of hours, and I'd be able to get home, put on another free show (take a shower) in my fishbowl house, and be in bed by midnight at the latest.

Unfortunately, I didn't take into account the fact that apparently, I'm a filthy, loathsome beast. That apartment was sooo gross and took forever to clean. I don't know how I lived there for so long. It took me over 5 hours just to clean up.

Allow myself to disgust myself.

Ok, back to billing.

UPDATE 06/13/2008: I got my whole deposit back, and it feels damn good.


Blogger rly said...

5 hours is 50 6 minute increments! you should just bill your old apartment, send them an invoice just to scare them! muhahaha...

go taiwanese! get all your money back... cuz that's just how we role.

yeah yo.

June 6, 2008 at 10:57 AM  

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